Bobbi Esmark began her taiji studies in the Lost Angeles area in 1993 with Tom Walters, a sifu of Grand Master Tung Kai Yang. After retuning to the Hudson Valley in 2001, Bobbi joined Martha Cheo’s classes. Martha had studied with Jane Golden, one of Master’s sifus. She continued to study with Master Tung when he traveled to the Northeast or when visiting California. Bobbi also studies with Alex Dong, the nephew of Master Tung Kai Yang and the son of Tung Zhen Chen.
Bobbi started studying Qigong for Taiji with Master Tung and then pursued research and practice with many contemporary teachers including Ken Cohen, Robert Peng, Deng Ming Doa, Deborah Davis, and Mythosomatic Qigong & Movement with Zhenevere Sophia Dao and Sunny Smyth. Her studies with Ken Cohen and Zhenevere Sophia Dao have been her focus since 2019.
Bobbi began teaching in 2007.
These links will give you the more information on the Tung Family
These links are videos of Master Tung
Master Ken Cohen’s website: qigong